There are more than 4,000 varieties of chili peppers in the world. They vary in color, size, and spiciness. There are varieties of chili peppers that are very spicy, but there are varieties of chili peppers that are not hot at all. Chili is a common spice used in the kitchen to enhance the flavor of dishes. As a gardening enthusiast, you should grow chili varieties in your garden. Here are 8 types of peppers you should grow in your raised bed garden.
potted chili plant |
1. Bell peppers
Bell peppers have a sweet taste that can be eaten raw or sautéed. They come in red, green, orange, and yellow colors.
0 Scoville heat units (SHU)
2. Cuban pepper
Cuban peppers are popular for stir-fries, but you can use them in place of bell peppers in various dishes for a special flavor boost. They are spicy at least 1,000 SHU.
3. Charapita
This is a very small fruit. They have a very distinctive orange color. The average spiciness is 30,000 SHU. This chili variety has many health benefits.
4. Anaheim
Anaheim is green peppers. This type of chili is usually canned and sold in supermarkets with a spicy level of 500-25,000 SHU.
5. Yellow chili
This is a variety of chili peppers with beautiful colors that range from mild to intensely spicy. 100-15,000 SHU. They have bright yellow thick flesh, smooth texture, and glossy surface. Use cooked, roasted, grilled...
6. Freson
Fresno peppers are red when ripe. Glossy, firm skin of medium thickness in the flesh. Suitable for Latin dishes, soups, sauces.
7. Rocoto
Has a great heat of 30,000-100,000 SHU. They look a lot like bell peppers, but they are very hot.
8. Piri Piri
This is a common chili used in Portuguese and African dishes. Heat 50,000-175,000 SHU.